The Manx Loaghtan Sheep Breeders’ Group has a formalised constitution to govern its activities, which can be downloaded here:
The Manx Loaghtan Sheep Breeders’ Group works to promote this primitive breed of sheep, its wool and meat products.
The Group attends shows around the UK throughout the year. A Breed Show, that celebrates the genetic diversity of the breed is held annually, the Group moving the annual show around the country, to give all our widespread membership a chance to show their animals in a forum not focussed on commercial sheep considerations.
£20.50p (individual membership)
£27.50p (joint/family membership)
For further details, or to join the Group, contact the Breed Secretary manxloaghtansheep@gmail.com
or download our Membership Form
Chair - Robert Wood 07813 804441
Vice Chair - Sue Taylor 0116 247 8470
Secretary - manxloaghtansheep@gmail.com
Treasurer (co-opted) -Adrian Taylor
Committee Members:
Lyn Arrowsmith 07974 968599
Mary Knibbs
Patrick Glynn-Riley 07624 438902
Judith Hawkhead
Jenny Shepherd
Darren Cassie 07980 540 727
Dean Whybrow
Melton Mowbray Show and Sale of National and Traditional Breeds 2022
The Manx Loaghtan Sheep Breeders’ Group